Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Peta Gempa Indonesia Terbaru Selesai Disusun

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Peta gempa Indonesia terbaru telah selesai disusun oleh tim yang beranggotakan sembilan pakar gempa yang diketuai Profesor Masyhur Irsyam, kemudian akan dipaparkan di Istana Presiden, Jakarta, Jumat (16/7) siang.

"Peta akan dipresentasikan di hadapan petinggi kementerian dan lembaga pemerintah, sipil, dan militer, yang terkait dengan penanganan kebencanaan," kata Asisten Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Bantuan Sosial dan Bencana (SKP BSB) Erick Ridzky, Kamis.

Peta gempa yang diberi nama "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Map" itu telah resmi berlaku sejak ditandatangani Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto pada 1 Juli lalu.

Dijelaskan, penyusunan peta gempa tersebut dilandaskan pada catatan tentang peristiwa gempa di berbagai wilayah yang disebabkan oleh sumber-sumber gempa tertentu.

Peta tersebut, kata Erick, juga memuat informasi detail mengenai sesar aktif yang bersemayam di bawah bumi berbagai wilayah Indonesia.
"Tim Sembilan telah memetakan sesar di Sumatera dengan baik. Khusus mengenai sesar di Jawa, tim juga memberikan informasi yang cukup mengenai sesar Cimandi, Lembang, Opak, serta sesar Lasem dan Pati," kata Erick.

Meski demikian, lanjut dia, Tim Sembilan beranggapan masih ada kekurangan dalam peta itu, antara lain masih sedikitnya sesar aktif yang bisa diidentifikasi laju gesernya secara geologis dan geodetis, periode ulang gempa, dan maksimum magnitudenya.

Selain itu, kemungkinan adanya sesar aktif yang berlokasi dekat dengan Jakarta atau Surabaya juga belum bisa diidentifikasi dengan baik.

Namun, dibandingkan dengan peta gempa terakhir yang disusun tahun 2002, peta gempa terbaru itu jauh lebih kaya informasi, dan bisa dijadikan acuan awal untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan gempa.

"Kita sepakat untuk terus melakukan pemetaan sistematis terhadap sumber-sumber gempa dan memperbarui peta gempa secara berkala, seperti negara-negara rawan gempa, termasuk Jepang, melakukannya hampir setiap tahun," kata Erick.

Sumber : http://id.news.yahoo.com/antr/20100715/tpl-peta-gempa-indonesia-terbaru-selesai-cc08abe.html

Ask an Expert: Why Black Holes Suck

There are many cultural myths concerning black holes -- several of the myths are perpetuated by television and movies. Black holes have been portrayed as time-traveling tunnels to another dimension, or as cosmic vacuum cleaners sucking up everything in sight. Black holes are really just the evolutionary end points of massive stars. Somehow, this simple explanation makes them no easier to understand.

On Thursday, July 15, NASA scientist Jerry Fishman from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will answer your questions about black holes and dispel the myths surrounding these mysterious objects from which nothing escapes.

Joining the chat is easy. Simply visit this page on Thursday, July 15 from 3-4 p.m. EDT. The chat window will open at the bottom of this page starting at 2:30 p.m. EDT. You can log in and be ready to ask questions at 3:00.

See you in chat! 

 Artist concept of matter swirling around a black hole. (NASA/Dana Berry/SkyWorks Digital) 

More About Chat Expert Gerald (Jerry) Fishman
Gerald (Jerry) Fishman is a research astrophysicist with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and the Chief Scientist for Gamma-ray Astronomy there.

He was the Principal Investigator of the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. This observatory was the second of NASA's Four Great Observatories in Space (after Hubble). It was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis in April 1991 and operated until May 2000. The BATSE experiment produced new scientific results on some of the most energetic and violent objects in the Universe, in particular, gamma-ray bursts, the most explosive and most distant objects known. He has lectured extensively on these findings at major universities and planetariums in the US and at numerous scientific conferences abroad. This experiment also serendipitously discovered terrestrial gamma-ray flashes above thunderstorms.

Dr. Fishman has over two hundred publications in his research areas. He received the NASA Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award in 1982, 1991 and 1993. He was awarded the Bruno Rossi Prize of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society in 1994, that Division's highest award. In 1996 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society. 

Composite image shows the jet from a black hole at the center of a galaxy striking the edge of another galaxy. (X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/ D.Evans et al.; Optical/UV: NASA/STScI; Radio: NSF/VLA/CfA/ D.Evans et al., STFC/JBO/MERLIN) 

Artist concept of a growing black hole, or quasar, seen at the center of a faraway galaxy. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) 

Page Last Updated: July 15, 2010
Page Editor: Brooke Boen
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar


 Last night, the crescent Moon passed by Venus, producing a conjunction of such beauty it stopped traffic. "I was driving on Interstate 70 to Grand Junction, Colorado, when I noticed the conjunction." says Malcom Park. "I just had to stop for a better look." He snapped this picture from the banks of the Colorado River:

 Photo details: Nikon D3, ISO 1600, 2 seconds, f2.8

The show continues tonight as the Moon moves past Venus to form a isosceles triangle with Saturn and Mars. Scanning the vertices with a backyard telescope will quickly reveal mountains and craters on the Moon, the rings of Saturn, and the red disk of Mars. No telescope is required, however, to enjoy the show. Your eyes are all you need. Look west at sunset! Sky maps: July 14, 15, 16.

more images: from Rafael Gallego of Carrión de los Céspedes, Sevilla, Spain; from Amir H. Abolfath of Dizin, Tehran, Iran; from Stefano De Rosa of Bologna (Italy); from David Blanchard of Flagstaff, Arizona; from Marcus Vinícius do Prado Jr. of Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; from Paco Burguera Catalá of La Albufera de Valencia, Spain; from Amir H. Abolfath of Dizin, Tehran, Iran; from Stefano De Rosa of Bologna, Italy; from Aymen Ibrahem of Alexandria, Egypt; from Mohamad Soltanolkottabi of Esfahan, Iran; from Miguel Claro of Capuchos, Almada, Portugal;

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